Saturday 7 May 2016

Evaluation Question 2

Here is our response to the second evaluation question. We decided to do a time lapse of us creating a mind map to explain our points. We tried our best to capture the actual writing however it was very tricky to get the angle right whilst writing. 

Friday 6 May 2016

Evaluation Question 1

This is our response to evaluation question one, discussing how our music video challenges and conforms to the conventions of it's genre.
We made a film with commentary, using a montage of clips from our music video and other inspirations.

Thursday 5 May 2016

Final Finished Music Video

Here is our final finished cut of our music video. We are pleased with the outcome as we have gone through great lengths to achieve this. We made sure to be as ambitious as possible to help us produce the best quality music video that we could and we have improved on the accuracy of the cuts as pointed out by our audience feedback. Though we were limited with equipment,we adjusted to it and tried to get the best out of what we had. We found it difficult to export it in high quality, and with the HD camera, this was unfortunately the best we could get it .  

Final Digipack

This is our final Digi-pack for our music video ancillary task. For this design, as in our template, the top will fold over and the disc will be placed on the tunnel image in the top centre. This will create a folding CD case without any plastic casing. As you can see we chose to stick with a black and white theme for the pack by using white backgrounds, black text and black and white images of photographs we took  whilst filming and also screen shots from our actual film, so that there is a obvious link to the video and the digipack. We also chose this theme as it links to the genre characteristics and style of Woodkid's work.