Saturday 6 February 2016

Digipack Ideas

To help us plan our ideas for what our digipack front cover might look like and what we need to put on it, we decided that the best way to get all our ideas together would be to create a mind map which can be seen above. We put down all our ideas for potential imagery and also other concepts such as font. We already knew we wanted to have quite a simple design and use black and white. This is because after doing research into the artist of our chosen song we discovered he uses black and white in his CD covers, which also links to the black and white of his music videos. The red line indicates our final chosen design idea for our front cover. 

Above is a sketch out of our final chosen design idea. This idea is to have a plain white background with the use of a large image of a gun laying in flowers. We decided upon this idea as we felt that the image would be simple but yet quite powerful and symbolic of our music video and the war and peace theme we portray within it. We then decided upon keeping the theme of black and white, like Woodkid himself, as we felt that the image should be in black and white, but the colours of the flowers remain as this then shows the contrast between war (the gun) and peace (the flowers). The text will also be in black and will have a simple font like 'Times New Roman' to keep a simple design, and also in the bottom centre we decided to place the crossed keys symbol of Woodkid as it features on all of Woodkids singles and album.

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