Thursday 18 February 2016

Viewer Analysis

As we now have our second draft we felt hat it would be a good time to get some feedback on our music videos so far so that it enables us to think about what people have said and try to change and improve anything which may need to be. We made a questionnaire of 8 open questions, which we then printed and handed out to the viewers when they watched the music video so that they could note down anything which they liked or perhaps did not like and also ways they think that we could improve. We gave this questionnaire to 9 of our fellow peers to get a variety of opinions. The results from the questionnaire were mostly positive, and we were given only a thew ideas on how we could further our music video. This questionnaire has helped us as we have now received opinions from people outside of the group and we now know that we are heading in the right direction with our music video. We will also look over points made such as the one about cutting on the beat. Below is the responses made:



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