Friday 13 November 2015

Analysis of Past Students Work - Macklemore 'Can't hold us'

'Can't Hold Us' by Macklemore is a Hip Hop song. Students from Carshalton Boys Sports College used this song for their Music Video. They made the video quite comedic and comic-like that gave it an interesting twist and made it quite entertaining to watch. It was based on the idea of the robbers having their bag taken from them and them trying to get their goods back from the man. The man is tricks them and tries to get away as he thinks they are trying to steal from him.
The editing technique in this is rather good as the story is also told through comic-like edited shots, that transition as if you were looking at different pictures of a comic book. Though these shots are usually used when something important occurs, with a change of scenery or when someone in the video 'speaks', which is shown using a speech bubble.
They use a lot of face paced shots to tell the story and how what the robbers are doing whilst chasing after the man, which is usually quite funny. Other shots show the characters lip synching in different locations like an alleyway or on a playground.
The use of camera movement is also very interesting as it keeps to their comedic theme. For example, when one of the robbers stops to drink from the fountain, the shot slows down to the other robbers face as he realises and looks around, and the shot speeds up slightly as we follow his gaze down to show the other robber 'caught in the act' about to drink the water.
The production in the video is well thought out, with the typical 'robber' outfit for the two characters, and the business suit for the man. This video works well with its setting as well, as the setting is also very interesting as there are several locations shown in what I assume to be Central London, like the several shots of Trafalgar Square.
In general I think this video was very successful as it was interesting throughout as the story flowed quite nicely and was quite entertaining with its comedic twist and interesting editing. The video also ended perfectly as we finally find out what was taken from the robbers, as we get a low angle shot, looking up at the man, looking into the bag, confused. The last couple shots then show a chicken in the bag.

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