Friday 6 November 2015

What song will we use for our Music Video

After looking through several music videos, we decided we liked the idea of war and peace, which we think we can show through 'Zombie' by the Cranberries.

However, we are not particularly keen on the song itself, so we will keep an eye out for other songs we could use for our idea of war and peace as we thought we could base the video on the transition from soldier to peace.
We will continue to research songs and research past students work to try and finalise our song, if we can find one suitable for our idea.

The reason we liked this music video was due to the theme of 'war and peace' as already stated. This was because we felt that the theme was highly effective with the quite dramatic quick cutting shots of the children and then the cuts to the solider, as children are usually associate with innocence so to put them in a music video about war makes them contrast and shows the powerful message on how war effects everyone, even the innocent. The music video was also effective due to the use of black and white as this creates a more dreary mood and reflects the quite dark message of the song, and is an idea we could consider if we use the whole concept of 'war and peace' as this helps to portray the atmosphere required. 

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