Friday 27 November 2015

Our Song

After considering several different songs of all different genres, we decided upon 'Run Boy Run' by Woodkid. We found it whilst looking at past students work and discovered that we both rather liked the song due to it's catchy beat and open-to-interpretation lyrics. This enables us to make the video on whatever we wish as the lyrics can be interpreted in many different ways. We liked the idea of making our music video about war and peace and this song allows us to achieve this.

This song has a good pace that allows us to use both long and short shots and has a very dramatic feel to it, which would fit to the build up of our theme. The mood within the song changes as the pace within changes, which allows us to tell different parts of the story and convey different ideas. The lack of lyrics allows the audience to focus on the narrative of the music video as they are not as easily distracted by lyrics. Also, due to this we don't feel the need to include aspects of performance within the video, which suits us as we feel that lip-synching is overused and takes away from the drama of the story.

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