Monday 14 December 2015

Music advert analysis

This is the magazine advert for Jessie Jays Album 'Who You Are'. This is good example of a pop music magazine advert as it is eye catching and reflects the artist, although the colour scheme chosen is quite dull as it is mainly black it still 'works' as it is bold and the contrast with the black and gold really make the text stand out and adds a sense of power to the artist.

The whole advert is the same image and placement of text used for the actual album CD cover. This is effective as it makes people look at the advert more as it is familiar to them as they may have seen the CD in the shops, therefore they can reach not only fans of Jessie J but also people that may have heard her music on the radio or in the charts. 

As this poster is for her debut album it is important to really represent the artist in this poster to give the right first impression. Therefore, this poster is giving the message that Jessie J is quite unusual as this is shown in her appearance in the image as she has her own image and the name of the album 'Who You Are', on the advert, suggests that this is her break through album and that she is not afraid to be who she is. Therefore, this advert does send this message out as the photo of the artist is dominant in the advert, which not also draws people in through her unusual look but also makes people remember who she is as the advert is eye catching as Jessie J is looking directly at the camera which almost looks like she is communicating with the reader of the magazine. 

The information on this advert is quite minimal as it does not actually say the release date of the album. However, the minimalist style is quite effective as it keeps peoples attention as they are first drawn to the photo and not a mass of information. Some important information included in the advert, which is in a bold text to help it stand out and become in-printed in the readers mind, is the name of the artist, name of the album and also the name of her debut single 'Price Tag' as this helps to draw people in as people who may not know the artist may know that song in particular as they may have heard it in the charts, which might attract knew fans because if they know and like that particular song they may be encouraged to buy the album due to this advert. Another, important aspect of the information would be the artist website which is in the smaller font, this is because fans and none fans can go on the website and find out more about the artist, which will gain more publicity for the album. 

Above is the Album cover for the album 'Who You Are' by Jessie J and it is clear to see the clear link between the CD cover and the magazine advert. 

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