Saturday 12 December 2015

Music Magazine Advertising

There are many different forms of music advertising. The two more traditional methods are Print Media (magazines, newspapers, posters etc) and Electronic Media (Radio, Tv, Internet etc). It is important that music is advertised as it is a marketing tool as it gains publicity for the song/album and the artist and will hopefully gain new audiences, which will lead to more singles/albums sold. My main focus will be on print media, as we will be aiming to create our own music magazine advert.

Print media is the first type of advertising used and it started of with newspapers, then posters and then magazines follow this. Music magazines are now very popular in the UK and there are many different ones on the market today the main one being NME (New Music Express) which means by creating music magazine adds artists can gain publicity for their single/album. 

Magazine adverts will appear in the style that reflects the artist themselves and also the genre of the music. Most commonly the advert will appear almost 'poster like' or will look like the actual CD cover for that album/single. Magazine adverts will feature some form of picture which maybe in a poster style or cartoon, photography or art based. Another important factor for music magazine adverts would be the font and the size of the text as it is key as this makes the most crucial parts of the advert clear and memorable. For example, usually the CD title, band name, reviews, band website, exclusives and release date will be in bold. The actually font will also have an impact on the successfulness of the advert as it must be one that reflects the genre and general mood of the music. Magazine adds will also feature things such as band logos if they have one and also any warnings that the album may have for its content e.g. 'explicit content'. 

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