Thursday 14 January 2016

Costume Report

Our music video will feature two characters one of which will be a soldier and the other a more 'free spirit' type character that will be a representation of peace, as our theme for the music video is based upon the concept of war and peace. As this is a music video effective mise-en-scene is essential in portraying this concept as this cannot be reflected by dialogue so the narrative must be easily understood through the visuals. A way in which we will be showing the difference between the characters is through costume. For example, the peace character will be wearing a long white dress which will create a natural feel and show to the audience that this character is in fact 'good', so the dress becomes quite a powerful statement within the music video. The white dress will also have an effect on the shots as we will be able to capture the flowing movement of the dress. 

The second main character will be the soldier, as already stated. As we need to portray the concept of war and peace we needed a character that reflects the 'war', and the best way to do this was to create a soldier character. To reflect the concept of a soldier we decided to stick with the stereotypical soldier outfit/uniform. The soldier will therefore will be wearing camouflage jacket and trousers and boots. The dark camouflage will then contrast with the natural look of the white dress, reflecting the differences in the characters and their history. 

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