Friday 8 January 2016

'Run Boy Run' Cover Analysis

This is the album cover for Woodkid's single 'Run Boy Run'. Like the album cover for 'The Golden Age', this cover is very plain in black and white but still creates a rather dramatic impact as the contrast helps it to stand out, drawing the audience's attention. The text is large and bold as it stands out against the black. Again Woodkid's albums have had white text on a black background which helps draw attention to the important information. The audience is also not distracted by exotic fonts- the font is plain, probably 'Times New Roman', which helps them to appreciate the album art.
 For this cover 'Woodkid's name was not added. This gives the audience a feeling of community as fans of Woodkid wouldn't require a title claiming who had written this song, but would buy the single as they enjoy the song from the album 'The Golden Age'.
 The keys have also been added onto the single as they link the three 'Golden Age' songs together as they represent Woodkid's journey to adulthood.
 I also like the album art as it links back to the music video, showing the young boy in the video running with his Viking attire, reading to battle the world. I like how the image is presented to look like a marble statue, like he's honouring his past and youth- especially as this song is about his escape from home out into the big world, I feel that this moment in his life means a great deal to him.

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