Tuesday 12 January 2016

Location Report: Upnor Castle

 We chose to use Upnor Castle as it was close and had an eerie feel to it that made it perfect for the soldier's base, especially with it's battle defenses of cannons and large wooden spikes sticking out of the walls. This really created a battle-like appearance to the 
 castle, which made it perfect for the soldier and his war environment. 
Upnor also provides a rather aesthetically pleasing location that will appeal to the audience whilst adding a more ominous atmosphere to the music video. 
 The castle is also rather large with many bare rooms and many floors that will allow us to use many different shots and angles to help us achieve the best atmosphere we can. At Upnor, there are many attributes that will aid us in our filming to give us as many locations as possible.
For example, there are towers,
steps and stairwells, tunnels, battlements, cannons and a small area that stands out into the river. These will all be useful during filming as they can help create a more dramatic atmosphere for our music video.

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