Tuesday 12 January 2016

Test Footage 1

Here is a small edit which we put together of a few test shots. We decided to go out to Bluebell Hill to check out the location and also so that we could practice some of the shots that we will be using in our music video. This is because we will be using a track type shot that follows the feet of the characters, as we came up with this shot as we liked the idea of the angle as it shows the concept of movement from one location to the other, but also is a powerful and effective shot. We decided to practice the shot as we did not know if we could effectively create this without technical issues, as we have nothing but a camera and a basic tripod. Therefore, we needed to come up with an effective way of creating a relatively smooth shot to replicate the track movement, without creating too much blur or shaking. We came to realise that the best way to do this was by putting the camera on the tripod but shutting the legs in and turning upside-down so that we could hold the legs of the tripod. We then edited the best shots together and the main thing we needed to do whilst editing was to learn how to flip the shot, as due to the angle we held the camera to create the right motion, the camera was upside-down. This test footage also gave us practice and got us used to the new editing software so we could understand how to do things such as transitions, we will be using this same editing software, which is 'Adobe Premier Pro CS6', to create our final cut for our actual music video. Overall we are pleased with the outcome, however the thing we did realise is that the very poor quality of the camera makes the shot look unprofessional and does not give quite the same atmosphere we were looking for, however we now know that we can create this shot and what angles work best to help create the best effect.

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