Friday 18 September 2015

Audience Theories

Signs and Signifiers

Signs and Signifiers are built up of the signifier and the signified. The signifier is the physical form of what you see or hear, for example, a rose. The signified is what we interpret from the form, for example, many associate a rose with love.
This can be very useful in media videos as they can be made to be interpreted in a certain way. A shot of a rose could help portray the meaning of the song, showing the audience that the song is relating to love. This can also include the use of colour; Muse used a large amount of red in their music video for ‘reapers’. This colour could be associated with love and danger, though in the video it is clear that the colour is supposed to signify danger as the drone chases down the character.

Hypodermic Syringe Theory

The Hypodermic Syringe Theory was developed in the 1920/30s after researchers observed the effect of propaganda during the World War.
It suggests the media ‘injects’ its opinions, images and perspectives directly into the minds of the audience.
Mass Media is able to influence a very large group of people directly by shooting them with appropriate messages. It suggests the audience is passive.
For example, a young boy shot his mother after playing Call of Duty, believing she would respawn as they do in the game.
 This can also occur in music videos, so one must be careful of what the lyrics and the physical interpretation could represent to the audience. The audience should believe what the song is trying to put across, but not influence them to commit crimes.

Two Step Flow

The Two Step Flow Theory states that we are more likely to be affected by the media, if we discuss it with others. Our opinions are affected by the way our friends have viewed the media. Discussions about TV shows, music videos or films often help decide whether or not it will be successful; this is called ‘word of mouth’. If the opinion leaders decide that what they have seen was not up to their standard and discuss this with others, they feel inclined to agree. This process will spread the idea that the item is substandard and it will receive fewer views and not become successful. Word of mouth is very important if one wants a music video to be successful.

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