Thursday 24 September 2015

Folk Music Video Conventions

The indie folk music genre arose in the late 1990's. Indie folk music combines two different music genres which are indie rock and folk music as one.

Indie folk music commonly use instruments such as banjos, pianos, double bass and violins in their songs.

In indie folk music the artist or the actors in the music video often wear natural looking clothes as this reflects the 'natural feel' the songs have as they often follow a narrative. They can often wear quite smart looking clothes but change this look into a more casual appearance so they have a simple and plain look.

Folk music videos have a very laid back feel to them and feature all the members of the group as one in a variety of long sweeping shots with smooth editing to create a calm relaxed atmosphere.

Folk music videos also commonly use vintage looking filters and use low key lighting, to add a old fashioned and aged feel to the videos which again adds to the relaxed atmosphere and complements the style of music. The low lighting adds a warming and welcoming feel to the videos which reflects the often happy up-beat narrative behind the songs.

This shot from The Lumineers music video for 'ho hey' is good example of your typical folk music video. The group can all be seen in the same shot, so the viewers can get to know the group as a whole and also portrays a relaxed and informal feel. The use of wide shots also show the clothes and instruments that are being used. For example, the two male members are dressed in smart casual look with a vintage old-fashioned feel with the hats and braces. The instruments are also a important part of Folk music videos as instruments are a key aspect that portrays the genre to the audience. For example in the centre of the shot Wesley Schulz is playing the guitar and is centre of the shot as it is a important aspect in the video as guitars are used in a lot of Folk music. It also allows the viewers to be able to see where the vocals and instrumentals are coming from, which also creates a connection between the viewer and the artists as the are likely to want to buy there music if they feel connected to the artist. 

The shot above is again from the 'ho hey' music video by The Lumineers. This shot has minimal lighting which creates a warming and natural feel and also makes the shot appear ta little washed out and faded which again creates that old-fashioned feel. The setting is also simple and reflects the simple narrative of the song and complements not only the music but also the artists themselves. Another thing that can be seen in this shot is the use of mine-en-scene as the hallway the band is in has been decorated with pink flowers. This is typical in Folk music videos as there is a lack of manufactured imagery in the videos as they often opt for a much more natural feel with the use of the environment, which in this video has been in the form of flowers to keep the the raw and simple feel. 

Folk music is very narrative focused and can a be simple love story or have a deep and emotional story behind the song.  Therefore, Folk music videos need to reflect this through the audio and also though the imagery but in a simple way with no flashy imagery or special effects, but a solid clear story.

For Folk music videos to portray a narrative the characters in the music videos need to be relatable and the viewer should be able to capture there personalities quickly so the audience can make a quick connection and be able to be absorbed into the story of the song.  

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