Wednesday 16 September 2015

Pop Music

Pop music is a genre of popular music, which originated from the western world during the 1950's and 1960's. Pop music's originates from rock and roll. Pop music is actually not a genre but is an abbreviation of popular music. Therefore if you consider it as a genre pop music is wide ranging. For example, pop music includes elements from other genres and style, such as dance, urban, rock, latin and even country.

Some key elements to a music video would be that pop songs are of short to medium length, which are wrote in a simple format with a verse-chorus structure. Also, pop songs include repeated choruses, melodic tunes and hooks.

Pop Definitions:

David Hatch and Stephen Millard define pop music as:

"A body of music which is distinguishable from popular, jazz, and folk music's"

Pete Seegar's definition:

"professional music which draws upon both folk music and fine arts music"

Pop music can be used to describe a distinct genre, which is aimed at a young market. It can be seen as a softer alternative to rock and roll.

Advancement in technology has effected pop music. For example, in the 1940's improved microphones allowed artists to have more unique singing styles. Another advancement in technology would be the widespread availability of television in the 1950's. This is because television appearances enabled pop stars to have a visual presence. Also, in the 1960's the development of inexpensive portable transistor radios meant that teenagers could listen to music outside of the home. By the early 1980's the promotion of pop music was majorly affected by the rise of music television channels like MTV, which enabled artists such as Michael Jackson and Madonna to have a strong visual appearance.

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